Please mark all the belongings of the kids (three digit admission number) with a permanent marker to avoid confusion with other kids’ belongings. Please send a list of all the things brought by the kid while coming for the camp.
Rise And Shine With Prathakala Mantras
Freshen Up (Luke Warm Water, Attend Nature's Call, Mouth Freshening)
Jogging/Fitness/Stick Fighting/Mugdar/Yoga/Meditation
Vedic Sandhya Havan
Archery/Shooting/Horse Riding/Golf/Pole Mallakhambh/Swimming/Arts/Sports/Dance/ Personality Development/Indoor Games (Each Session 45 Minutes)
Vedic Sandhya And Entertainment
Dinner Break
Prayer, Shayanakaal Mantras, Bramanam (Walking), Chanakya Neeti, Bartruhari Neeti, And Shlokas
Diary Writing And Night Prayer
Sleeping/Resting Period
Breakfast (2 Varieties Every Day) And Fruit Salad
Fresh Fruit Juice (Watermelon, Musk Melon, Chikoo, Pineapple, Grapes, Mango, Orange) Or Fruit Salad
Delicious Vegetarian Meal, South Indian And North Indian And Jain Dishes
Snacks With Juice, Various Styles And Special Chat Items
Delicious Vegetarian Meal, South Indian, North Indian, And Jain Special Dishes, Bedtime Milk
Sundays/Adventure Trips/Joining Day/Concluding Days: Special Menu For Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, And Dinner
Participants enrolled for this SUMMER CAMP INDIA, will experience a Home Away From home, An entirely new world to live-in for 3 weeks fearlessly under the guidance of experts and getting to learn all that is required for venturing into these places ever in life. We have been conducting summer camps since 1999, and habitually our Experienced, Young and dynamic Team will work for this summer camp.
Kriya Yoga Samsthan had successfully conducted various programmes on a large scale where 500 to 5000 participants nation-wide gather at one place and comparatively this camp is a small assignment to work out for the management team. Once the students get admitted to the camp, we divide them according to their age groups and initiate training.
Daily routine kick-starts with a wake-up whistle early in the morning at 5:00 am and concludes at 8:30 pm and all the scheduled activities are mandatory to all participants.
Earlier in olden days, the children were put in the Gurukulas to develop a very systematic way of learning in life until adulthood under the very able guidance of learned Gurus living close to them or living with them in the same house. Their strong devotion and submission to a beloved guru resulted in gain of wisdom, spiritual discipline and enlightenment.
This practice of Arsha Vidya Parampara (the knowledge tradition handed down by our sages/seers) developed individuals into healthy and intellectual citizens with timeless knowledge.
Currently the modern day education system does not include the necessary teachings of our Ancient Traditions and the Value System which form the very Foundation of every human being.
To fill the above gap, we are organizing summer camps on a grand scale including the sheer variety of modern day activities along with teachings of Vedas and spreading the importance of Arsha Vidya Parampara.
By participating in the summer camps, participants overcome stress, strain, anxiety, fear, inferiority complex, cowardice, stage fear, irregular eating habits, time management and grow into a brighter individual.
We firmly believe that Parents at some point in their lifetime would have encountered summer camp or other kinds of camps in their life and are not surprised to hear about the benefits of summer camp. Experiencing life at summer camp, you know the profound positive effects that still matter to you as an adult, and you also know that you want something just as great for your own kids.
But if you have not come across any such camp, you may not realize how good the experience is for your children. You may not know why so many parents are committed to sending their kids to summer camp. The following are the most important reasons to send your kids to the summer camp.
AT SUMMER CAMP WE PLAY:Free from the overly-structured, overly scheduled routines of home and school, life at summer camp gives children much needed free time to just play. Camp is a slice of carefree living where kids can relax, laugh, and be silly, all day long. Thus participants have free time for unstructured play.
SUMMER CAMP EXPANDS EVERY CHILD’S ABILITIES:Summer Camps provide the right instruction, equipment and facilities for children to enhance their sports abilities, their artistic talents and their adventure skills. The varied activities offered at summer camp makes it easy for children to discover and develop what they like to do. Thus participants develop lifelong skills.
SUMMER CAMP HELPS CONQUER FEARS:The kind of encouragement and nurturing kids receive at summer camp makes it a great environment to endure setbacks, try new things, and see that improvement comes when you give something another try. Thus participants gain resiliency.
SUMMER CAMP HELPS CHILDREN DEVELOP WHO THEY ARE:Summer camp is the perfect place for children to practice making decisions for themselves without teachers and parents guiding every move. Managing their daily choices in the safe, caring environment of summer camp, children welcome this as a freedom to blossom in new directions. Thus participants grow more independent.
SUMMER CAMP BUILDS TEAMWORK:Coming to summer camp means joining a close knit community where everyone must agree to cooperate and respect each other. When they spend time together in a residential summer camp, children share chores, resolve disagreements and come to know the importance of sincere communication. Thus participants learn social skills.
SUMMER CAMP GETS CHILDREN BACK OUTSIDE: Summer camp is a wonderful remedy to “nature deficit disorder,” to the narrow experience of modern indoor life. Outdoor experience enriches children’s perception of the world and supports healthy well being. Thus participants reconnect with nature. Summer CampTEACHES KIDS THAT THEY CAN:Summer camp helps children build self-confidence and self-esteem by removing the kind of academic, athletic and social competition that shapes their lives at schools. With its non-competitive activities and diverse opportunities to succeed, camp life is a real boost for young people. At summer camp there is accomplishment every day. Thus participants experience success and become more confident.
SUMMER CAMP IS REAL:When kids take a break from TV, cell phones, and the Internet, they rediscover their creative powers and engage the real world-real people, real activities and real emotions. They realize there is always plenty to do. Thus participants unplug from Technology.
SUMMER CAMP IS ACTION:It is evident that children spend so much time between the four walls and mostly sitting down, summer camp provides a wonderful opportunity to get moving, Climbing, Hiking, Running, Swimming, Jumping, etc. Thus participants are physically active all day long.
SUMMER CAMP CREATES FRIENDSHIPS EVERYDAY:expectations pressuring them at school, summer camp encourages children to relax and make friends easily. All the fun at camp draws everyone together- singing, laughing, dancing, talking, playing, and doing almost everything together. Thus participants learn to make true friends.
The school is located in a lush green environment of 100 acres surrounded by beautiful valleys and hills. It is absolutely pollution free and merges with nature. BGSIRS is an integral part of one of the finest centers of learning in India, especially in the south. It offers its students all the advantages of a modern educational system with an enriching curriculum without the distractions of modern city life and the campus is in harmony with nature, surrounded by evergreen land and a valley.
We have a cricket ground with pitches of international standards, A 9 Hole Golf Course, A Swimming Pool, and a Horse Riding Ring. The School equestrian consists of 8 Horses with much room for expansion. Spacious rooms for yoga indoor games and a gymnasium are built in the basement of the school. BGSIRS has partnered with TeachNext that provides enhanced smart learning experience by digitizing classroom teaching through multimedia and proved a better grasping power among students of all grades.
Food: Pure Vegetarian Food Will Be Served. We provide a Highly Nutritious Pure-Vegetarian Food accompanied with a variety of Juices/Fruits/Salads each day (North Indian & South Indian items will be included). Swadeshi Cow Ghee will be provided.*Carbonated drinks, Unhygienic food will not be provided.
Accommodation: Good and Comfort Accommodation will be provided to each Student individual Cot and Bed with Luggage commode with locker.
Laundry: We have well equipped and expensive equipment. We take care of the dresses and underwear wash with hot water and cold water in Washing Machines (or equipment).
Medical: Our doctors’ team will be attending 24*7 services at summer camp premises.
Security: We have day and night security for students' safety and also we have also planned that, For every 15 students one volunteer is under the control from morning 5 am tonight 8pm until students go to sleep. Entrance and exit gate pass should be a must and we provide identity cards for every student and we give gate passes to parents so that unknown people are strictly not allowed inside the campus.
Cleaning and Maintenance: We hire well-cleaning staff for all the campus along with activities rooms and dining hall and ground etc.
Parents and guest services: We are providing food accordingly on 30th of April and 20th May (Two days food will be served to parents as guests)
Phone calls: We Strictly Avoid Phone Calls.. For every period of 7 Days, and 16th Day and in any emergency we provide phones to students and those who are coming for Summer Adventure Camp. Bring Your Mobile Phones and Cameras should Submit Joining Day Deposit At Clock Room. We provide while Going To Delhi Manali Trip Any Emergency and update send Whatsapp 9052285666 Front Office.
* INR 35,000/-per child / student for the entire course in the Summer Camp which includes Food, Accommodation, Amenities, Training and all the activities.
INR 5,000/- per child towards - Kids’ Bank Deposit – non-refundable: 2 days of Adventure camp includes laundry Medical And Security Etc. ALL INDIA RESIDENTIAL
* SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP - 2024 ( 29 Days) Grab the Golden Opportunity Available for Students Now!!!
Camp Starts From: 1st May to 29th May (29 Days)
Age Group : Above 11 Years to 18 years (Boys and Girls)
Campuses: BGS International Residential School Bangalore & KULLU MANALI Fee details: Rs. 60,000/- (Excluding Flight To & Fro Charges) 20 Days Summer Camp @ BGS International Residential School BANGALORE 08 Days Adventure Camp @ Delhi Kullu Manali –HIMACHAL PRADESH
* Fee details: Rs. 70,000/- ( Excluding Flight To & Fro Charges) On line deposits may please be transferred to C/o Kriya Yoga samsthan – State Bank Of India, Vidyanagar Branch –Current Account Number 34548203370, IFSC Code: SBIN0003608.
* pay Online Payment : (click here and go to online payment follow the instructions. Important Declaration: As ever, this Year Camp is also going to generate a lot of Funds received in the form of enrollment of tens and dozens of children from within India and also abroad; Most of this amount is spent for various expenses like Accommodation, food and several other services provided in-house or outsourced, without compromising on the quality or quantity of course content. Balance left over, if any, will be utilized towards our continued charity initiative under.
* various heads like: "Gou Samrakshana" Education for Poor and Needy *Training & Employment of Youth Ayurveda Herbal Expo "Awareness on Indian Culture & Vedic Gurukul ~ Arsha Vidya Parampara System" Awareness programs on Madyapaana, Dhoomapaana, & Jeevahimsa (Adverse effects of smoking and alcohol and ways to keep them away there by protecting ourselves and our Mother Nature) Yoga Vignan,0 Shishu Samskara maha Yagna And Several other activities for VISWAKALYANAM.
* In case, any of you have similar interests, our organization sincerely urges and encourages them to join hands with us for making our initiative bigger, stronger enabling us to reach out to the needy faster and better. You may contribute cash or kind or any kind of kind ideas to be of better help to the society within our reach.
Wherever in India parents should drop your kids at camps on 30th April at 10 am to 4pm
PICK UP :After Concluding the Summer Camp, we make sure to send your child We send up at Delhi international airport Return journey Ticket according their destination. Return Journey On 28th May From Delhi International Airport ( For Summer Adventure Camp Students).