About Us

WORLD VEDIC HEALTH SCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED (KRIYA YOGA SAMSTHAN) - HYDERABAD a nonprofit voluntary organization established 22 years ago in the year 1999 have been a setting example in creating awareness on individual ,social, moral, psychological and physiological developments thus contributing in the health and well being of citizens.

Due to the modernization and inclination towards western culture, India is losing its ancient heritage, Vedic culture and traditional educational system. Even after six decades of glorious independence India is still under the influence of slavery and bondage. Illiteracy and unemployment are the major factors affecting the global Indian economy. The influence of hectic day to day life is affecting the mental, physical and physiological development of an individual thus isolating him from happiness, health and mental peace.

Due to the modernization and inclination towards western culture, India is losing its ancient heritage, Vedic culture and traditional educational system. Even after six decades of glorious independence India is still under the influence of slavery and bondage. Illiteracy and unemployment are the major factors affecting the global Indian economy. The influence of hectic day to day life is affecting the mental, physical and physiological development of an individual thus isolating him from happiness, health and mental peace.

Taking the above factors into consideration and with an intention to help the needy and uplift the downtrodden, Maharshi Dayananda Saraswathi Kriya Yoga Samsthan has been conducting state wide awareness camps on Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic science, Indian heritage and culture, Gau-samrakshana, Ancient methods of agriculture, Moral development in rural areas, nature cure, Pollution control etc. along with summer camps for school going children.

As a part of the above, Kriya yoga Samsthan – Hyderabad annually conducts summer camps for school going children aged between 7 - 21 years during the months of April/ May and creates records specifically for organizing residential summer camps on a grand scale.

Currently Kriya Yoga Samsthan is celebrating 24th Annual All India Residential Summer Camp 2024 at Bangalore.

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Our Vision

"To help children achieve their full potential in their academic, creative, personal, physical, inttext-white ellectual, moral, psychological, emotional and spiritual development. To develop sustainable infrastructure with due attention to the ambience, beauty, health, safety matters and quality of learning environment, ultimately attaining a new level of academic and moral standards.”

Our Mission

"To become a unique institution of choice that recognizes the motivational and learning needtext-white s of the students and empower them to become lifelong learners and productive citizens of the Global Society. Overall personality development of the student by infusing practical knowledge through activities and programmes for the furtherance of latent talents. Impart all-round Vedic education and produce well informed, well groomed, socially responsible, intelligent & holistic citizens."

Core Values
  • Discipline and code of conduct
  • Ethics and Dignity
  • Excellence and perfection
  • Honesty and sincerity
  • Respect and Tolerance